Wednesday 26 June 2013

Practice filming

Today Misha and I decided to practice a few shots in preperation for filming on Thursday 27th June (tomorrow). We practiced with both a tripod and a Joby gorillia pod to see which different types of shots we could use. An example of some shots we used are; attatching the gorilla pod to a chair leg and to the door.
Using this information we then created a story board to make sure we are well prepared for tomorrow.

We have three actors for our preliminary music video; Robert Nicholson (singer), Alex Tustin (drums) and Sam Walder (guitar).

A Joby Gorilla pod.

Monday 24 June 2013

Location research

Today we did some research into where we would like to film our music video. We decided that these areas would be the best because they will all be the quietest areas, this will ensure that we don't get anyone in the background that isn't meant to be there.

Making our CD insert and back cover.

Both Misha and I have decided that it would look effective to have an American themed CD. This is due to the band name being "The All American Rejects" so we thought it would have a clear link. The colours will the Red, White and blue and we would like to include a picture of the band members.

Here is a screen shot of the inside of our insert, half way through production. So far we have got some information on the production company, song writers and the label company.
All that is left to do is to add a background photo.

Research for our CD insert and back cover.

Whilst making our CD, we found a couple of images that we thought could be effective if we can find a way of producing it for ourselves.

We thought these would look good because they are a symbol of America, and the band name is "The All American Rejects." I especially like the picture on the right, because it does look like something that would be on a CD and also follows genre stereotypes for the type of music we are using. Also, the picture on the left has certain links to the lyrics in the song.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Practice magazineadvert.

This is my pracice magazine advert for the single 'Gives You Hell.'
If i was to do it again i would make it more colourful, as the song is upbeat and this poster does not reflect that. I would also add more details, including a QR code and the record label.
However, i like the layout of this poster as it highlights the key details that are the most important. Including the release date, song name and the band name.
I also like the added detail of the stars.

Monday 17 June 2013

Preliminary Brief

For the preliminary piece i am working with Misha Armstrong who i will also work with for the final peice. We chose to work together as we were in the same group for our AS coursework and both felt that we worked well together. We have since decided to work in a group of two as opposed to the group of 4 we were in last year as we think it will be more effective.

Our song choice for the preliminary piece is; All American Rejects - Gives You Hell. We chose this song because it is a popular song and has catchy lyrics which will hopefully make the lip syncing look more effective. We also thought it would be an interesting song to do in a school enviroment as some of the lyrics match the mise-en scene.

Neither me or Misha have watched the music video for the song, which we thought would be useful as it wont have any influence on our ideas. It is also a lively up-beat song whcih we thought would make a fun, short music video.

We are going to make a preliminary piece because it is a good way to practice new skills that we will need for the final piece. For example; lip syncing is something that will require us to learn a new skill. It will also give us the opportunity to get feedback which may help us to make decisions for our final piece.

For our prliminary piece we are going to create a single promotional package which will include;
  • Music Video.
  • CD digi pack - back cover including spines and insert booklet of even numbers.
  • A4 page magazine advert.